Tuesday, February 22, 2011

This is just a test

A test to see how long you will read my rambling thoughts as i pretened to want to sleep, wondering where the world is going, i mean stuff in the middle east is pretty bad, maybe as bad as America's addiction to watching people do normal things on TV, or not as bad as the mexican cartels breaking our boarders. Yeah, the world seems hectic. Somehow I feel ok. So now is the time I start to wonder where my ex boyfriend is. Then I stop. Because every girl out there know that's a path down self-sabotaging....done that enough. (____LONG PAUSE____) So yeah, totally just took a minute going psycho inside myself thinking of all the places he could be, then i give myself a reality check and remembered he is a good guy and i need to trust him more, and i do. Next thought, i watch the first 48 alot, i can't believe how many of the murders occurr a few cities from me. I went to a church group tonight and had a good time meeting new people who live here and have the same faith as i do. But to be honest I really miss my ex, what girl doesn't? Well, I know a bunch do stupid things to forget an ex. But I don't want to forget him. He was a good guy. If anything I know he wants to forget he met me. Blah such a confusing time. I guess to conclude that thought, at least he knows I love him. See, my thoughts go from A to Ex from Ex to B from B back to Ex then Ex moved on to C- C is happy I am that I live in south florida. Always sunny. Ok, Darryl suddenly attacked someone on the first 48.... I'm gonna go watch this. Kudos to anyone who read the random blog. Please keep comments (doubt i'll get any) POSITIVE :) thank you.

God Calling: Feb 22- YOU MUST TRUST-

"you must trust Me wholly. This lesson has to be learnt. You shall be helped, you shall be led, guided, continually. The children of Israel would long before have entered the Promised Land -- only their doubts and fears continually drove them back into the wilderness. Remember always, doubts delay. Are you trusting all to Me or not?

I have told you how to live and you must do it. My children, I love you. Trust My tender Love. It will never fail you, but you must learn not to fail it.

Oh! could you see, you would understand. You have much to learn in turning out fear and being at peace. All your doubts arrest My work. You must not doubt. I died to save you from sin and doubt and worry. You must believe in Me absolutely."

"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust."
 Psalm 91:4

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