Sunday, March 13, 2011

God Calling- Spiritualism

All is Well with God

Wait before Me, gently breathing in My Spirit.

That Spirit which, if given a free entrance, and not barred out by self, will enable you to do the same works as I did, which being interpreted is, will enable Me to do the same works, and even greater than I did when on earth - through you.

Spiritualism is wrong. No man should ever be a medium for any spirit, other than Mine.

All you should know, all it is well for you to know of My Spirit-Kingdom, I will tell you when and how I see best. The limit is set by your own spiritual development.

Prayers are always answered in His way

Follow My injunctions in all things.

Peace - Peace - Peace.

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." - Galatians 5:16
When you live for Him, the Prescence of sin is gone

1 comment:

  1. "Spirituality" is intellectually vacant & a coward's word so they can feel they have something to "contribute". The audacity to try & prop such insipid rhetoric to create a fraudulent sense of "knowledge". A blind assertion found in the Bible is of equal weight when similar babbling is found outside of it.

    Nothing fails like prayer.
