Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel

I wasn't going to update tonight because I have been so tired from work, but I couldn't not share this God Calling with you all. 

It is the epitome of optimism, and it's for tomorrow (really today at 12 am). I love every word. Rejoice! 

Your Cross is YOU

Remember, you are only an instrument. Not yours to decide how or when or where you act. I plan all that. Make yourself very fit to do My work. All that hinders your activity must be cured.

Mine is the Cross on which the burdens of the world are laid.  How foolish is any one of My disciples who seeks to bear his own burdens, when there is only one place for them - My Cross.

It is like a weary man on a hot and dusty road, bearing a heavy load, when all plans have been made for its carriage.  The road, the scenery, flowers, beauty around - all are lost.

But, My children, you may think I did say, "Take up your cross daily, and follow Me."

Yes, but the cross given to each one of you is only a cross provided on which you can crucify the self of yours that hinders progress and Joy, and prevents the flow through your being of My invigorating Life and Spirit.

Listen to Me, love Me, joy in Me. Rejoice.

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall
keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
Mark 8:34

1 comment:

  1. WTF is this? A supposed INTJ that calls an invisible sky faerie reality? What sheer, utter, filthy & vile shyte is this. You are not only a poser but a direct threat to Man's endeavor to improve himself.

    You moron of mysticism. You foul creature. You Defiler of Reality... Get thee behind me, Corrupter!
